Whoa, things have been CRAZY around here!! I don't really even know where to start here! School has been crazy, I feel like I am just running around all the time, but busy=good! My sister was here all last week, which made things even more crazy, but it was wonderful to have her here! I got to spend a lot of time with her-we all hiked the waterfall on Sunday, went to Pica Pollo (our fave spot) for dinner on Monday, had YL club Wednesday, Thursday she came to school and met my class, then we went down to my favorite spot down at the river and hung out at camp! It was a really fun week, and having Kara here was awesome!
Friday we had a huge Easter egg hunt/party to raise money for our 5th grade expedition!! We had an Easter egg hunt, egg toss contest, egg decorating contest, and sold a bunch of treats!! It was really fun, and we made quite a bit of money for our trip after break! We are studying immigration, so we are going to go to the capitol and visit an immigration office and museum, and then we are going to a Haitian village to learn about them immigrating to the DR, and will do a service project there! We will be camping out somewhere near there....with 19 5th graders...haha this is going to be crazy, but we are all going to learn so much! I am so excited!
After that crazy week last week, we are now on SPRING BREAK and it is wonderful!!! We rented this awesome house for $450 for 5 days....CRAZY!! It is so wonderful to have our own space and be on our own schedule since we are usually just on Maria's schedule! Funny stories though....on the way here we stopped in La Vega at a grocery store to stock up for the week, and our taxi driver was like okay you have 15 minutes, so we all took part of the grocery list and ran through the store, it was hilarious! Then, as we were leaving La Vega, our taxi driver, Giovanni, realized he needed new tires, so we stopped at a mechanic place and they put on new tires! it was rediculous! We were obviously really late by this time so we took a "shortcut" through the mountains which meant super tiny roads and going super fast....quite an interesting trip! But we made it, and that is all that matters! It has been so fun so far! This morning, JulieAnne and I went for a run and then swam laps in the ocean....can't get much more perfect than that!!
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