14 days left in the DR! I can't believe this semester is almost over!
Things have been so crazy here (hence the fact that I havent updated in SO LONG!) Last week was busy with Young Life (I am officially a leader now, so i get to really be a part of it which is so fun!), Bible Study and getting our class ready for our expedition last week! We have been studying immigration, and went on a service trip to a Haitain batay, which is a little bit similar to a migrant farm in the U.S. Dominican sugar cane field owners give Haitians an area of land by the farm where they can live, but they are extremely poor. Dominicans have a lot of prejudice against Haitains, so it was huge for our kids to go and SERVE them! It was really cool for them to learn that they are a different nationality, but they are the same as we are, AND even though they have next to nothing, they are so happy! We did a service project at a school there as well. We also visited a Holocaust museum. On the way home on Saturday (my birthday!!!) we got to stop at the beach for a couple hours, and Ciara suprised me with a cake! It was wonderful! Tonight is expedition night, so we are presenting to parents all that we have learned about immigration so far! Pretty much all we have learned this semester is working towards this night......it will be great but I can't wait for it to be over!!
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