Went to the capitol (Santo Domingo) yesterday for training in our new reading program-it was pretty funny to be one of 4 Americans at the whole training! The guy who ran it used me learning Spanish as an example of how hard it is for our kids....hahha so embarrassing! It was fun though! Today was our LAST DAY of training, and school starts next week THURSDAY!! ahh i can't believe it! Monday is inaugeration day for the new president, so it is a holiday (and also we are not supposed to go out because things tend to get pretty crazy--there have been lots of riots and killings before! scary!) Tuesday we have a parent night, and then Thursday is the big day! I will get pictures of my classroom up as soon as I am finished, but until then here are some pictures of our house, the colmado we spend tons of time at, and a few of school!

Read this majorly encouraging verse in Acts 20:18-24 yesterday: "You know how I lived when I was with you! I served the Lord though I was severly tested! You know I have not hesitated to preach, YOU SAW ME! Now, compelled by the spirit, I am headed to Jerusalem not knowing what will happen to me! However, I consider my life nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task I have been given-to testify the gospel of God's grace!"
So cool--people SAW Paul walk and knew who he was following!
Cool pictures Jessica! Can't wait to come and see your classroom :)