We had our first EVER Wyld Life club in Jarabacoa last night! We were all really nervous and quite anxious for it to start, and it went AMAZING! There were a few setbacks while we were getting ready, but as for the actual club, it was way better than we ever thought our first night could be! We held club at a local hotel (owned by some of our kids' parents) that is right in the middle of town where everyone can easily get there. Us leaders went at 5 to start getting things ready, setting up, and have some time to just prepare for the night, before club began at 7! We had kids start showing up at 6:50 which is CRAZY here because normally people come a half hour AFTER something is supposed to start! Overall the night was awesome, God definitely was at work because it was complete madness that somehow worked! We had 50 KIDS come, CRAZY because we were hoping for 25-30!
It was just so cool to have our first night be so great. We got together as a Wyld Life team on Sunday to practice through club/talk about everything for a couple hours, and I think we were all kind of annoyed that we had to spend our Sunday afternoon doing that, and then arrive 2 hours before club began on Tuesday...BUT we talked about Romans 16:19 where it says "Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you;but I want you to be wise and excellent about what is good and innocent about what is evil." So we decided that we must be EXCELLENT and completely prepared at every single Wyld Life club, because if one thing is off, it only takes that to completely lose kids (especially middle schoolers). Last night completely proved that if you strive to do something with excellence, by doing everything as good as you possible can in order to glorify God, then God WILL be in it, which means Satan can't come in and mess things up. SO COOL and such a good reminder that as servants of God we must strive to be excellent in every single thing we do, because I should be serving God in every single thing I do, no matter what it is.
God is good!!! Thank you for your prayers, and continuous prayers would be much appreciated!!
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