This week was a FUN week at school! Tuesday we had a half day, because it was “Dia de la Raza”, a Dominican holiday celebrating the different races in the DR. There was an all-morning program where kids from all the grades did different ethnic dances, and also did dances from today--including Hannah Montana music and some 8th grade boys doing the jerk! It was awesome, I am posting videos on face book and I will try to put them on here too. Monday was complete craziness because kids were getting pulled out of class to practice for the program, so got nothing done that day, but it was fun!
We had a half day on Tuesday, so I went in to town to do some grocery shopping and pay some bills (side note--I went to pay the electrical bill, and there was no power at the bill place….ironic!). I had a very frustrating afternoon, because on my way to town some boys were walking behind me saying some really inappropriate things (they were like 12 years old!!), and I wanted to turn around and be like HELLO I can understand you!! But I couldn’t, there would have been no point because it probably would have made it worse…SO I just kept walking, and then in town the usual Dominican men were making comments, which I usually just ignore because I am so used to it, but Tuesday I had absolutely no patience and it really just made me mad! I was walking thinking OH my gosh why can’t I just be invisible so they will leave me alone! So frustrating, but I usually don’t let it get to me, but for some reason that day I did! So then I was really crabby…I had to give my talk at WL that night and was really nervous for that….so I went home, took a shower and sat in my room and read my Beth Moore book. SUCH A BLESSING because I started reading it and the verse at the beginning was Galatians 6:9 “and let us not lose heart and grow weary, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest, if we don’t give up” (AND that is our class memory verse this week) Beth Moore was challenging her readers to “Regain the territory the devil has stolen from you! Even one inch at a time, leaning on God’s grace, and not on your own ability! God needs you to go ALL the way with Him!” Isaiah 43 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you….for I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel-your Savior!” and then she said “It is easy to quit or be frustrated, it takes faith to get through something! God helps those who know they CAN’T help themselves, those who realize they are totally dependent on Him for deliverance!” I was like seriously God? Just what I needed to learn! So cool!
Tuesday night we had Wyld Life at a new location--one of the 7th grade boys offered his house for us to host WL at, and it was this amazing house with a huge porch, so we had club right on the porch! It was perfect! Such a blessing--plus he has amazing parents who want to support us, and they said we can continue to have club there until we can find a permanent place! I was in charge of the talk on Tuesday, and I swear, no matter how many times I give a talk, I always get SO nervous! One of my roommates was like Jess--you are a teacher, you are used to being up in front of people all the time, and I was like yeah but teaching is one thing, this is the BIBLE, if I mess it up, I can’t fix it later!! They thought that was ridiculous...but that is how I feel....maybe that is a bad thing? I don’t know! Anyways--it ended up going well, except club went way late, so by the time I gave my talk a bunch of the parents were there too!! Ahh talk about pressure! I wasn’t shaking too much though:)
Thursday we had soccer practice, and it went so well! I am always a little nervous, but we are having lots of fun! Some of the girls told me that Thursdays were their favorite day of the week because they love coming to soccer! That was definitely some much needed encouragement:)
I was reading this morning in Ephesians 3:18 “I pray that you may grasp how long, high and deep the love of Christ is…” and in my Bible commentary it said that Paul used these words because length continues forever, height-it takes you all the way to God’s presence, and depth-it meets you in even the lowest of places! I thought that was so cool, I had never thought of that before! God is good and is seriously giving me exactly what I need! I was reading the CMC newsletter yesterday, and a quote from one of the high school kids really said it all: “Well, I guess God really did know what He was doing!”
LOVE from the DR!
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