Our plan is to have two "service days" where the kids who need scholarships will spend about 6 hours doing a service project around town. Our two service projects are going to be a car wash, and a day cleaning up trash by the river (you would DIE if you saw how disgusting the riverbanks are here!). The point of having these service days is to
1-have the kids earn their scholarships, so they only get it if they want to go to camp bad enough to work for it, and 2-to be a light to the community, because you rarely see Dominicans doing any type of service project.
Camp is SO IMPORTANT to our ministry because it gives us leaders 48 nonstop hours to spend with kids to really build or start to build relationships with them, and it also gives them a chance to see how excited we are about how awesome God is!
So, if you have any interest in helping me raise $150 to send two kids to camp that otherwise would not be able to go, please let me know, it would be so awesome! I will be home over Christmas, (Dec 18-Jan 7), so you could talk to me when I am home, otherwise you can email me at jessicastanley4@gmail.com and ask me any questions you might have! ANY support would be so helpful, because it brings us one step closer to having another kid have a life changing weekend!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support, I would not be here without it!

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