What a week! This week was crazy once again, but I have been feeling pretty sick since last week, so I was forced to slow down SOME, which was really good for me and my goal in finding things to rejoice in every day!
This week was pretty crazy in our class because we had to come up with an act for our Thanksgiving program on the 24th. The boys in my class don't want to do ANYTHING, so it was interesting trying to come up with something they wouldn't totally hate, but we managed! We are going to do a play actually about being anxious (they are going to be anxious farmers with nothing to eat for thanksgiving) and then we are going to sing out Philippians 4 song about trusting in God and the boys are going to dress up as corn stalks and grow! It should be pretty funny:)This has been a really fun week with my class, we learned a lot but had a lot of fun doing it!
Monday night we celebrated one of our teacher's birthday (Tim) with a dessert party! Tons of wonderful things, not to mention a fun night with people I don't always get to see!
Tuesday night we had Wyld Life, and a 70s/80s theme! I tye-dyed with some of the girls before, so they were really excited for it!They want to hang out next weekend and do it again, so I think we probabily will! It is fun to have some girls that actually want to hang out :) Natalie and I were in charge of program, and I was pretty nervous about the kids thinking we were funny and liking our "act" but they ended up loving it and have been talking about it at school nonstop since!! Praise God for that!! Club was great as usual, we had a ton of kids, and everything is running smoother every time as we begin to finally get a feel for what the kids like! After club, one of my students Claudil, said that she wants to be a Wyld Life leader when she grows up!! haha so cute:)
Wednesday night I stayed home and went to bed super early which was AWESOME and ended up being a complete blessing to just be able to rest.
Thursday Melissa, Jessica and I caught a ride to Santiago with a group of people from another school! We just went to the mall, which first of all was all decorated for Christmas, and had dinner and saw "Eat, Pray, Love". It was such a great night of having a little "Americanness" and getting out of Jarabacoa!!
Tonight there is a talent show at school....all the kids are participating, so it should be interesting!
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